Now Known From M.E. – Knuckles Figure Revealed by First 4 Figures
First 4 Figures have confirmed what we suspected for a while, their next figure joining Sonic, Super Sonic and Metal Sonic will be the one and only Knuckles The Echidna!
The part-reveal, via their Facebook page of the fourth in their Classic Sonic’s line was mostly met with excitement, although a couple of individuals took issue to Knuckles nose and mouth – claims F4F’s representative were keen to clarify: “I know you cant see it from that angle, but from the side, he definitely has a more pointy nose compared to Sonic. Much shorter too.”
As for his mouth I think personally this is just the shading combined with the fact that he’s obviously baring his teeth in a typical Knuckles growl or snarl.
Pre-Orders will begin on Tuesday October 11th only on First4Figures.com, I just hope the guys don’t forget that I wanted one of them!
Yeah, i think he is showing his teeth