Yakuza Everywhere: Famitsu Confirms 1&2HD, Yakuza 5 Details
The rapidly burgeoning SEGA Vintage collection (or certainly their increasing number of “HD” re-releases) looks set to be increased further. After the announcements for Jet Set Radio, NiGHTS Into Dreams and Sonic Adventure 2 along with the continued rumours of Shenmue we now have the confirmed news via Famitsu that Yakuza 1&2 HD Edition for PlayStation 3 is indeed on its way.
Ryū ga Gotoku – The story of franchise star Kazuma Kiryu’s release from prison and subsequent journey to make good on his new life, all whilst his former one as a Yakuza keeps trying to drag him back in to its sordid business affairs has been a PlayStation exclusive ever since its debut in 2005 and remains one of SEGA’s arguably niche but enduring franchises.
Andriasang – who are normally bang on with these things – are quoting from a source that has acquired this week’s Famitsu early and whom confirm a listing down for both Yakuza 1 and 2 and a November release date. As this looks to be a boxed product, not a digital release (at least in the East, how a Western release would work is, as always, the big question with Yakuza) whether it will be classified as part of the SEGA Vintage collection has yet to be seen. Pre-order bonuses for Japan are said to be based around recreating the look of the previous games’ packaging… which to be honest wouldn’t you’d kind of expect anyway?
Whilst an official announcement, due on the main Yakuza website is awaited, further Yakuza 5 details have also been announced and we again have Andriasang to thank for these. These concern the side missions for the game entitled “Another Drama”, which already have Kazuma working as a taxi driver and getting involved in street races whilst Haruka is trying to become an Idol.
Meanwhile series newcomer Tatsuo Shinada, a former baseball player, comes across an old acquaintance from the game and immediately things take a turn for the sporty. Good to see the traditional Yakuza impact effects are still being used!